Platinum Buyer Program

All offers need to be accompanied by documentation showing ability to pay. By doing this up front, not only will you have one less thing to do later, but you will stand out with your Platinum Buyer badge, letting sellers know you are qualified and ready to go.

What do I upload?

  • For properties contingent upon obtaining financing, upload a pre-approval letter issued within the past 60 days from your financial institution providing the loan. Enter the date on the letter as well as the amount you are approved up to.
  • For cash transactions, “Proof of funds” is required from one or more financial accounts (banking, investment, 401K, etc.), collectively totaling your purchase price. Account information should be redacted. Enter the date the documents were downloaded, the total amount of funds equaling the purchase price, and the documentation that supports the total.

Sellers will not see any financial information until you make an offer.

The Platinum Buyer badge will accompany appointment requests on homes priced at or below your maximum, and on offers to purchase up to the maximum price (even if the list price is higher). For homes priced above your demonstrated ability, you can still make appointments, but the badge will not appear.

You will be reminded to update your documentation a week prior to expiring, although they can be updated at any time. Once documents have expired, however, the Platinum Buyer badge will not be included with showing requests until updated documents have been uploaded.

Pre Approval Letter or Proof of Funds
Click here to Upload Documents
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